From the Planet Green Network....

These are the kids on the show!
Readers, I got lucky and found a little cable gem! It's a story of six UK kids that love to shop for cheap clothing, then travel to India and get a rewind experience of where the garments come from. Spoiled to the core, this docu-reality series leads them through the sweatshop way of living in India.

I had to do a mental closet check of where I shop. For most collage students and kids in their early 20s love to shop at that popular forever store for clothing, I know I did. And honestly, I'll still hunt there for belts especially, because they actually fit me. Now I shop as high quality as I can afford. But what if it comes from the same place?

The Indian tailors get paid about 10 cents for garments that sell for 15-20 dollars. In one particular episode the youth sleep in a sweatshop and must complete a quotient of garments for the day. They make the kids (self centered ones from the UK) sew! It's cute to see them struggle on the machines!
I want an industrial sewing machine!

Once they are finished, they must present their garments for inspection. After bringing in the bag of blouses the youth understand how much hard work goes into each piece, over and over, so thousands of people in another country can wear the same blouse. Out of their goal of 36, only 15 were completed correctly. The average wage for the tailors is 5 pounds for 400 garments!
It's a bit reality show but with a heavier dose of reality than show, but very watchable with a dash of ignorance. Maybe after sewing consistently for a couple of years, I've come to appreciate my skills, but I'm not doing 400 garments per year either!
Another thought favorite readers, where does our cheap fabric come from? I often take a quick iPhone pic of the fabric label for my records and I don't recall seeing where the fabric was made. Are we sewing ourselves into an un-green situation?
This show airs at various times, so check your listings! I recommend at least 1 episode to jet the gist. Their are 4 one hour shows. I do hope that you can watch at least 1 episode.
I'd really love to hear your thought and insight!

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